Hyeongjun Kim

Last Updated Aug 2021


Hello, I’m a search server devops engineer at Naver Corp. I’m interested in devops engineering and machine learning.

I have experiences of building distributed search server system that receives high traffic (max 6500 QPS). I have also designed and developed ML systems that can reduce server infrastructure costs.


(Click if you want details)

    Search Server DevOps
    Naver Search, 2020. 11. ~ Current
    Developed and operated distributed search server system.

    Search Result Count Prediction
    Naver Search, 2021. 1. ~ Current
    Predict if a query has search results to reduce the infrastructure cost.

    Personal Project, 2020. 4. ~ 2020. 8.
    Music streaming service based on a kubernetes infrastructure.

    Card Data Processing Pipeline
    Nota AI, 2019. 9. ~ 2019. 12.
    Card transaction data processing pipeline and monitoring tool.

    Yonsei Univ, 2019. 3. ~ 2019. 7.
    Predicting relevance between brain voxel and keywords.
    Best Award of Yonsei Univ Software Capstone Project

    Vincent Job Manager
    Naver ClovaAI, 2018. 11. ~ 2019. 2.
    Developed job manager module of AI service.

    Personal Project, 2017. 11. ~ 2018. 4.
    Shoes shopping mall providing image search based on CNN.

Work Experience

    Naver Search DevOps Engineer
    Developed and operated search server system.
    2020. 9. ~ Current

    NotaAI Software Engineer Intership
    Developed card transaction data processing platform.
    2019. 9. ~ 2020. 2.

    Naver ClovaAI Software Engineer Intership
    Developed job manager module of AI service.
    2018. 11. ~ 2019. 2.


    Yonsei University
    Bachelor of Business, Computer Science (Double Major)
    GPA: 3.72 / 4.3
    2013. 3. ~ 2020. 12


    Certified Kubernetes Administrator & Application Developer
    Linux Foundation
    2020. 8. ~ 2023. 8

    Tensorflow Developer Certificate
    2020. 4. ~ 2023.     

Techical Skills